Same Day Dentures Fort Worth, TX
Same day dentures are used when your teeth have been extracted, and you have to wait for the gums to heal before you get permanent dentures. Empty gums are not appealing at all. Many people would find it difficult to be seen in public without teeth. Here at Del Mar Dental we care about your image and seek to help you look great and feel comfortable. We provide same day dentures after your teeth have been extracted.
Same day dentures can either be complete or partial. It depends on how many teeth you’ve lost. While the dentures are placed immediately after the teeth have been extracted; there is usually a pre-extraction process to be followed in preparation for the dentures.
Getting Ready for Immediate Dentures
Your dentures need to be ready the day of tooth extraction so that they are placed immediately after your teeth have been extracted. The preparation procedure might require four or five visits to our clinic before your teeth are extracted.
Our dentist will examine your teeth structure and the teeth that need to be extracted during these visits. The dentist will then take an impression of your teeth and gums. The impressions are used to model the dentures for you.
During the consultations with our dentist, you can choose the color in which you want the dentures to be. Many people prefer white dentures since white teeth are considered attractive. Some people have naturally colored teeth, and they might want a partial denture to match the natural color of their teeth.
Once the dentures are ready, the damaged or infected teeth will be extracted, and the dentures will be placed immediately. The dentures usually fit properly at first, but they will become loose as your gums heal. You will have to come back to our dentist occasionally and get your dentures adjusted.
Merits of Same-Day Dentures
The main essence of getting same day dentures is to ensure you do not have to go in public with empty gums. They are mainly for cosmetic appearance. Even then, they have a couple of other benefits.
The dentures cover and protect your sensitive gums, allowing them to heal fast. After your teeth have been extracted, your gums will be left sore and swollen. They need to be protected from interference to allow them to heal.
You do not have to make many diet changes when you get immediate dentures. You would have to make major changes on your diet if you went home with empty gums.
The dentures can feel a bit difficult to use especially if you have never worn any before. They are largely uncomfortable because of the sore and swollen gums underneath. You will get used to them after your gums heal and the swelling goes down.
Call Del Mar Dental at (817) 710-2609 today and make any inquiries about same-day dentures. You can visit us if you have any dental health concerns. We offer the best dental health services. We find joy in being able to help people rediscover their smile. |